5 Life Lessons Kids Can Teach Us (podcast)

5 Life Lessons Kids Can Teach Us (podcast)

As a life coach, I love sharing mindset tips. As a parent, I know we can learn a lot of lessons from children. So, here are 5 life lessons from kids that can help us all. Book a free discovery call with Becky Mollenkamp at...
5 Lessons from a Life Coach (podcast)

5 Lessons from a Life Coach (podcast)

As a life coach for several years to hundreds of clients, I’ve learned a lot of life coaching tips for success. I hope these 5 lessons from a life coach will help you live your best life possible. Mentioned in this episode:• You are not Broken episode:...
Mental Health Awareness Month (podcast)

Mental Health Awareness Month (podcast)

May is Mental Health Awareness month, and Becky is getting personal in this episode. She talks about the lessons she learned from losing her brother to addiction. (Trigger warning: Addiction, grief) Subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts!     View Lightbulb Moment...
5 Lessons from a Life Coach (podcast)

5 Ways to Feel Better, Part 2 (podcast)

Having a bad day? Feminist mindset coach Becky Mollenkamp is back to share 5 MORE tools that can help pull you out of a funk and turn around a bad day. Learn more about Becky at https://beckymollenkamp.com Mentioned in this episode: 5 Ways to Feel Better, part 1,...
5 Ways to Feel Better, Part 1 (podcast)

5 Ways to Feel Better, Part 1 (podcast)

Having a bad day (or several)? Feminist mindset coach Becky Mollenkamp shares 5 tools that can help pull you out of a funk and turn around a bad day. Mentioned in this episode:• Mindfulness in Small Doses episode of Gutsy Boss Podcast• “Burnout: The Secret to...
Permission to Not Love Parenting (podcast)

Permission to Not Love Parenting (podcast)

Conditioning makes moms feel bad if they don’t love parenting, while dads have historically been allowed to opt into the parts they love and opt out (without shame) of what they don’t. Feminist mindset coach Becky Mollenkamp thinks it’s time for that...