What does it really mean to change your “money mindset”? Put simply, it’s when your stop believing your stories, or lies, about money.

​In this video, I share six of the most common lies we believe about money (and why they’re wrong):

[Another good read: 10 Books to help improve your relationship with money]

Here are five of the most common lies I see people telling themselves about money:

1. “I don’t deserve more money.”
Fact: Money has absolutely nothing to do with a person’s worth. It’s merely a currency, given in exchange for the perceived value of a product or service. It’s wholly separate from YOUR value. No one deserves money more or less than anyone else. And having more or less of it doesn’t make someone better/worse, worthy/unworthy.

2. “I’d be happy if I had more money.” Fact: Money has very little to do with happiness. After about $70,000 (or $95k per year to live a dream life), money does nothing to change how people feel. The truth is, you can be happy making very little money or miserable making a ton of money. It’s about you, not your bank account.

3. “It’s bad to want more money.”
Fact: Money isn’t bad—or good. (See #1.) Likewise, it’s not bad or good to want money. It’s ultimately no different than wanting any other stack of paper. It may be valid to judge how you use money, but not how much you want or have.

4. “There’s a limited amount of money.”
Fact: There’s some $1.75 trillion worth of U.S. physical currency in circulation (not to mention all the other currency in the world). That’s an unimaginable amount, and more than enough for you to make as much as you need or want.

5. “Making money must be hard work.”
Fact: If earning were in direct correlation to effort, the richest people would be farmers, firefighters, teachers, trash collectors. In fact, it can be difficult to make money—or incredibly simple. Again, money is given for perceived value, not real or perceived effort.

6. “I’m not good with money.”
Fact: No one comes out of the womb with a comprehensive understanding of things like investing, saving, or budgeting. Anyone can learn how to manage money, including you. Being “good” with money isn’t a talent, it’s a skill that you can learn if you choose.

Want a Better Relationship with Money? Stop Telling Yourself These Money Lies Want a Better Relationship with Money? Stop Telling Yourself These Money Lies