Morning Journaling Prompts

morning journaling promptsmorning journaling prompts
morning journaling prompts

Thinkific vs Podia for online course and membership hosting
By Becky Mollenkamp, PCC

Journaling is one of the most powerful self-development tools we have. That’s why I suggest the activity to every one of my mindset-coaching clients (and those who do it tend to see the most dramatic results).

Here are 31 morning journaling prompts to kick off your days on the right note. Tackle one prompt a day for the next month, and you’ll likely find yourself growing as a small business owner—and as a person.

1. What does my business need from me today?

2. My favorite way to spend the day is…

3. What I want to accomplish by day’s end is…

4. What would make today amazing is…

5. If I loved myself unconditionally, today I would…

6. Today I will say yes to… 

7. Today I will say no to…

8. I need help with… and I can ask….

9. The milestones I reached yesterday

10.If today went completely as planned, I’d finish…

11. What I learned yesterday

12. Someone I’d like to connect with today and why

13. How can I love myself today?

14. Today I’m grateful for…

15. What do I want to be known for?

16 If today could be easy, how would it look?

17. How can I best serve my clients/audience today?

18, If I could do anything I wanted today, would would that be and why?

19. Write a letter from my future self. What does she want me to know today?

20. If I were granted an extra hour today, how would I spend it?

21. Today, I want to forgive myself for…

22. Today, I will forgive… for…

23. Today, I want to come to peace with…

24. How is my workspace helping/hurting my productivity and attitude…

25. Today I will commit to no longer taking it personally when…

26. Today I will chose myself by…

27. Today I will walk my talk by…

28. If I had no fear today, I’d…

29. What I really need to hear today is…

30. Today I’m going to quit…

31. What I need to give up, say no to, or let go of today…

morning journaling promptsmorning journaling prompts
morning journaling prompts