6 Common Lies We Tell Ourselves About Money (podcast)

6 Common Lies We Tell Ourselves About Money (podcast)

In this episode… What does it really mean to change your “money mindset” so you can have a better relationship with money? Put simply, it’s when your stop believing your stories (or lies) about money. In this video, mindset coach Becky Mollenkamp...
7 Signs You’ve Found Your Business Community (podcast)

7 Signs You’ve Found Your Business Community (podcast)

In this episode… Last episode, I talked about why going it alone in business is so dangerous. In this episode, I want to share 7 signs that you’ve found a good business community. Resources: The Gutsy Boss Club Subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts!  ...
Why You Need a Business Community (podcast)

Why You Need a Business Community (podcast)

In this episode… Are you afraid of getting “real”? Terrified to let down your guard and allow people in? Do you equate vulnerability with weakness? Mindset coach Becky Mollenkamp was just like you only a few years ago. Now, she’s discovered...
Vulnerability is Strength (podcast)

Vulnerability is Strength (podcast)

In this episode… Are you afraid of getting “real”? Terrified to let down your guard and allow people in? Do you equate vulnerability with weakness? Mindset coach Becky Mollenkamp was just like you only a few years ago. Now, she’s discovered...
Coaching Isn’t Therapy

Coaching Isn’t Therapy

In this episode… I saw a troubling Facebook recently. A woman claiming to be a life coach said her client is no longer suicidal after working with her for three months (no mention of a therapist or other mental health professional). This wasn’t the first...