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Sarah Hartley spent the entirety of her first pregnancy sick. A debilitating lack of focus, constant trips to the bathroom, multiple hospital visits for testing, a couple of falls…it just seemed to go on and on. She did not feel healthy, or beautiful, or glowing. At all.
She needed support but feared she’d be judged a terrible mother if she admitted to hating pregnancy. So she started writing about it on her personal blog. Readers soon began thanking Sarah for putting words to what they were feeling, too. She realized there was something missing in the media, and Holl & Lane Magazine was born.
More in this episode…
- How writing helped Sarah voice her fears and concerns far better than talking
- Why she decided not to pursue therapy or support groups
- The question she asked herself that expanded the reach of Holl & Lane beyond pregnancy
- What took someone from a bachelor’s in Fashion, to a master’s in Business, to starting a magazine
- Why Sarah didn’t want to write a book
- How breaking a task down into the smallest possible steps made starting a magazine possible
- The biggest thing Sarah has learned about people
- The two most important factors to help you decide whether you should pursue a goal or project
- How to start dealing with those things in your life you feel like you can’t talk about
Sarah Hartley is the creator and editor in chief of Holl & Lane Magazine, a magazine dedicated to showcasing real life from real women. Searching for a magazine that featured honest life in a beautiful way, that would give women a voice and a platform, Sarah set out to create that magazine. She publishes stories on infertility, miscarriage, mental health, body image, self-care, love and loss, and so much more. She wants to show women that they are not alone. She is also a wife to Brandon, a mom to Henry and Harrison, and lives near Pittsburgh, PA. In her (minimal) spare time, she loves to read, have dance parties with her son, and enjoy a beer with her husband at the end of a long week.
Holl & Lane Magazine