The majority of us, if we’re lucky, have warm memories of one (or more than one) teacher that really made an impact on our lives. Regardless of the subject they taught, to this day we still remember the lesson(s) that resonated with us. Kimra Luna is with me today to share her lightbulb moment and how it came from a music teacher who took the time to see Kimra as a human being. How can we make this impact on more students? What can we do to share that impact for our future students? Listen in and hear about Kimra’s experiences and what her advice is.
Show Highlights:
- The first moment Kimra felt someone treat her as a human being
- What we are doing, or not doing, that is a disservice to ourselves and others
- When Kimra first viewed herself as a teacher and what that meant to her
- Why we need to take more ownership for the term “teacher”
- The benefits of paying attention to students and what they are doing
- What Kimra does in order to grow and develop as a teacher
- Why you should not only teach your students but lead as well
- Advice on how to move past viewing yourself as a marketer
- A technique you should try with clients based on The Five Love Languages test
- The impact Pinterest has had on Kimra’s business and opportunities
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