Feminist Founders Summer School


A 3-month group accountability program to help you get shit done this summer.


Work through your giant to-do list during our (at least) weekly co-working calls on Zoom.


It’s easier to get shit done when you are doing it with a group of folks who are in it with you.


Stay on track with a weekly email from a  coach who truly cares about your progress.


Once a month, join your coach and cohort for a Q&A session and brainstorming time.


This is summer school, but without the textbooks and tests. Let’s have a good time!


This much support is sure to help you make meaningful progress on your summer goals.

About Becky

Forget teachers and principals! You get an experienced accountability coach by your side this summer. From June through August, Becky Mollenkamp will be there to provide insights, coach you through challenges, and be your biggest cheerleader. As always, her work is conducted through an intersectional feminist lens.

Kickoff Call

Thurs., June 6th, 12:30 pm ET


$399 until May 24th
$499 if you enroll after May 24th

Financial hardship?

Email Becky for assistance
becky at beckymollenkamp dot com

Avoid the Summer Slump

You always hope to make the most of the slower pace of summer by making progress on important-but-not-urgent projects (updating a website, pitching podcasts, developing a snazzy pitch deck, mapping out a new offer).

But you know how best intentions go…

You end up finding it difficult to focus on non-paying work (after all, there’s no boss to call you out when you slack!).

September rolls around, business picks back up, and you kick yourself for letting another summer go by without making progress on your back-burner goals.

If this sounds familiar, Feminist Founders Summer School is for you.

You’re 95% more likely to reach a goal when you have a fixed accountability appointment.


“I loved the camaraderie and accountability of working with a brain trust group. We were able to support and learn from each other in ways that I don’t get in 1:1 coaching or from chatting with friends or colleagues. I highly recommend the Feminist Founders’ group accountability program for any AFAB or femme-identifying person looking to grow professionally.” Faith Garlington

“Becky’s coaching helps you get to the root of what’s really standing in your way as a business owner and provides valuable accountability to accomplish what you need to get done.” Arden Evenson

“If you’re looking for someone who masterfully balances feminist leadership coaching and accountability, I recommend working with Becky Mollenkamp. With Becky as my coach, not only do I get more done, but I have a lot of fun along the way.” Jeni Rogers

“Becky Mollenkamp’s personalized coaching has been invaluable in supporting me to overcome challenges, gain clarity and make meaningful progress.” Donna Booher


If you have a question that’s not answered on this page, please do not hesitate to email coach Becky Mollenkamp. She’s happy to answer any questions about Feminist Founders Summer School, which kicks off on June 6th.